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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - wall


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Перевод с английского языка wall на русский

1. стена; ограда garden walls —- садовая ограда blank (dead) wall —- глухая стена to hang smth. on the wall —- повесить что-л. на стену to stand at the wall —- стоять у стены the Great W. (of China) —- Великая (китайская) стена 2. преим. ист. городская стена within the walls —- в городе; в лоне церкви without the walls —- вне города, за городскими стенами 3. дамба, насыпь для защиты от наводнения 4. барьер, преграда, стена wall of partition —- пропасть, стена (между людьми) a wall of silence —- стена молчания tariff wall —- тарифный барьер 5. оплот, защита wall of armed men —- стена бойцов wooden walls —- ист. береговые корабли береговой обороны 6. спец. стенка wall of the bore —- воен. стенка канала ствола the walls of the heart —- анат. стенки сердца reactor wall —- стенка реактора safety wall —- защитная стенка containment wall —- герметизирующая стенка (оболочка) nuclear wall —- физ. поверхность ядра 7. геол. бок (месторождения); крыло (сброса) 8. с-х. обрез борозды 9. сад. шпалера, шпалерник 10. обыкн. pl. воен. вал; укрепление Atlantic W. —- ист. Атлантический вал Id: to run (to bang) one's head against a (brick) wall —- прошибать стену лбом; пытаться сделать невозможное Id: to go over the wall —- сл. убежать из тюрьмы Id: to go to the wall —- потерпеть неудачу (поражение), пасть жертвой; обанкротиться Id: the weakest goes (must go) to the wall —- слабых бьют; горе побежденным Id: his honour went to the wall —- он обесчещен Id: with one's back to the wall —- в безвыходном положении; отбиваясь от обступивших врагов Id: to push (to drive, to force, to put, to thrust) smb. to the wall —- припереть кого-л. к стенке; поставить кого-л. в безвыходное положение Id: to see through a brick (stone, mud) wall —- обладать необычайной проницательностью Id: to give smb. the wall —- посторониться, уступить дорогу (лучшее место) кому-л. Id: to have (to take) the wall of smb. —- не уступить кому-л. дороги (лучшего места) Id: within four walls —- не должно выходить за пределы этой комнаты; конфиденциально, секретно Id: handwriting (writing) on the wall —- библ. письмена на стене; зловещее предзнаменование Id: walls have ears —- стены имеют уши Id: to turn one's face to the wall —- приготовиться к смерти; опустить руки, прийти в отчаяние Id: to jump (to leap) over the wall —- расстричься (о монахе, священнике и т. п.); уйти из монастыря, отказаться от сана Id: up the wall —- в бешенстве, вне себя Id: off the wall —- ам. сл. необычный, из ряда вон выходящий; оригинальный, своеобразный 11. стенной, настенный wall map —- настенная карта wall newspaper —- стенная газета wall box —- кровать, убирающаяся в стену wall footing —- стр. ленточный фундамент стены wall rock —- геол. боковая порода wall crane —- тех. настенный поворотный кран wall panel —- стр. стеновая панель wall board —- стр. стеновая плита; сухая штукатурка 12. шпалерный wall tree —- сад. шпалерное (формированное) дерево 13. обносить стеной; огораживать (также wall about, wall around, wall in, wall round, wall up) 14. разделять стеной 15. ист. обносить крепостной стеной, валом 16. диал. варить соль, заниматься солеварением 17. ам. закатывать (глаза)
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См. в других словарях

  pier archit. пилястра WALL  1. noun  1) стена; a blank wall - глухая стена  2) стенка (сосуда)  3) fig. барьер, преграда - wall of partition  4) pl.; mil. укрепления  5) geol. бок (месторождения)  6) attr. стенной; wall box - настенный (почтовый) ящик walls have ears - стены имеют уши the weakest goes to the wall prov. - слабых бьют to see through/into a brick wall - обладать необычайной проницательностью with ones back to the wall - в безвыходном положении - give the wall - take the wall - go to the wall - push to the wall - drive to the wall - thrust to the wall - hang by the wall  2. v.  1) обносить стеной  2) укреплять, строить укрепления  3) разделять стеной - wall in - wall off - wall up WALL in обносить стеной; The garden was walled in during the 18th century. WALL of partition стена; пропасть WALL off  а) отгораживать; воздвигать перегородки, барьеры; The conquering nation has now walled off its part of the city so that people cannot move freely from side to side.  б) разделять как стеной (о недоверии и т.п.) WALL up заделывать (дверь, окно); замуровывать; I think we should wall up the fireplace, it lets loo much wind into the house. WALL Street Уоллстрит (улица в Нью-Йорке, где находится биржа); fig. американский финансовый капитал, финансовая олигархия ...
Англо-русский словарь
  стенка, перегородка – abdominal wall – body wall – cell wall – embryo sac wall – muscular wall – nail wall – vascular wall ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) бок 2) граничный 3) лава 4) настенный 5) преграда 6) пристенный 7) пристеночный 8) стена 9) стенка 10) стеновой 11) стенок brick masonry wall — стена кирпичная ручной кладки cell wall thickness — толщина стенок пор domain wall motion — движение границ доменов gypsum wall plaster — штукатурный гипс membrane water wall — плотный экран membrane-type water wall — экран мембранного типа reduction in wall thickness — обжим по толщине refractory-face water wall — ошипованный экран refractory-faced water wall — утепленный экран side wall of tire — боковина шины side water wall — боковой экран wall of a crater — астрон. вал кратера wall telephone set — настенный телефон water wall panel — панель экрана - blank wall - breast wall - cast-in-place wall - compliant wall - core wall - faced wall - foundation wall - hanging wall - heating wall - high wall - ice wall - interior wall - load-bearing wall - masonry wall - prefabricated wall - projection of wall - race wall - retaining wall - stiffen wall - wall absorption - wall advance - wall board - wall brick - wall burn-out - wall chart - wall constraint - wall cycle - wall furring - wall luminaire - wall of working - wall panel - wall pocket - wall telephone - water wall ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) экран 2) стенка волновода 3) стена – cavity wall – video wall – waveguide wall ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  стена (здания, сада) стенка (траншеи, котлована) крепостной вал wall in trench to wall in to wall up above-grade wall all-brick wall all-rowlock wall anchor wall anchored retaining wall anchored sheet wall angular retaining wall apron wall arched retaining wall area wall avalanche baffle wall backup wall baffle wall basement wall basement retaining wall bearing wall below-grade wall bin wall bin-type retaining wall blank wall blind wall block wall block quay wall boulder wall boundary wall bracket-type retaining wall breast wall brick wall brick-and-a-half wall bridge spandrel wall bulged retaining wall bulkhead wall buttressed retaining wall cant wall cantilevered quay wall cantilevered retaining wall cast-in-place trench wall cavity concrete block wall ceramic wall climbing wall collision wall common wall compound wall concrete wall concrete block gravity wall concrete block masonry wall concrete core wall concrete tile wall core wall counterfort retaining wall crib retaining wall cross wall curtain wall curved wall cutoff wall cutoff sheet pile wall dead wall diaphragm wall diaphragm retaining wall dividing wall division wall drop wall dry wall dry stone wall dwarf wall economy wall embankment wall enclosure wall envelope wall exterior wall external wall external panel wall face wall faced wall falling wall fence wall fender wall filler wall fire wall fire division wall fixed retaining wall flank wall flexible wall foundation wall freestone wall front wall gable wall garden wall garden wall with coping stones glass wall glass brick wall gravity masonry wall gravity quay wall ground wall guard wall guide wall half-brick wall head wall hollow wall honeycomb wall hopper wall infilled wall interior wall knee wall lateral wall lattice retaining wall load-bearing wall mechanical core wall metal curtain wall naked wall noise abatement wall noise control barrier wall nonbearing wall one-brick wall operable wall outer wall panel wall paneled wall parapet wall party wall perforated wall periphery...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) стена; стенка; перегородка обносить стеной; устраивать стенку; разделять стеной 2) устраивать заграждение 3) горн. забой 4) экран 5) оболочка 6) доменная граница, доменная стенка 7) пересылать сообщение другому пользователю (в операционных системах) to analyze the retaining wall for bearing on ground — рассчитывать подпорную стенку из условия прочности основания; to analyze the retaining wall for tension in joints — рассчитывать подпорную стенку из условия прочности соединений; to mud off the hole wall — глинизировать стенку ствола скважины; to wall up — глинизировать стенку ствола скважины - wall of dislocation - abutment wall - adapter wall - adiabatic wall - air-checker wall - air-slag wall - anchor wall - approach wall - apron wall - auxiliary lock wall - back bridge wall - baffle wall - bearing wall - blank wall - Bloch wall - bottom wall - brattice wall - bridge wall - bubble domain wall - bubble wall - bucket lip wall - buttress wall - buttress retaining wall - cantilever tee retaining wall - cantilever retaining wall - cavity wall - cell wall - checker bearer wall - checker wall - checker bridge wall - checker false wall - checker front wall - common wall - composite core wall - concrete core wall - converging wall - core wall - counterfort retaining wall - crib retaining wall - cross wall - curtain wall - cutoff wall - dead wall - diaphragm wall - diathermal wall - diverging wall - divide wall - division wall - domain wall - drop wall - embankment wall - enclosure wall - end wall - energy storage sun wall - exterior wall - face wall - film guide wall - fire wall - flat car side wall - flexible wall - flood wall - foot wall - foundation wall - frame wall -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a continuous and usu. vertical structure of usu. brick or stone, having little width in proportion to its length and height and esp. enclosing, protecting, or dividing a space or supporting a roof. b the surface of a wall, esp. inside a room (hung the picture on the wall). 2 anything like a wall in appearance or effect, esp.: a the steep side of a mountain. b a protection or obstacle (a wall of steel bayonets; a wall of indifference). c Anat. the outermost layer or enclosing membrane etc. of an organ, structure, etc. d the outermost part of a hollow structure (stomach wall). e Mining rock enclosing a lode or seam. --v.tr. 1 (esp. as walled adj.) surround or protect with a wall (walled garden). 2 a (usu. foll. by up, off) block or seal (a space etc.) with a wall. b (foll. by up) enclose (a person) within a sealed space (walled them up in the dungeon). Phrases and idioms go to the wall be defeated or pushed aside. off the wall US sl. unorthodox, unconventional. up the wall colloq. crazy or furious (went up the wall when he heard). wall bar one of a set of parallel bars, attached to the wall of a gymnasium, on which exercises are performed. wall-barley wild barley as a weed. wall-board a type of wall-covering made from wood pulp etc. wall cress = ARABIS. wall-fern an evergreen polypody, Polypodium vulgare, with very large leaves. wall-fruit fruit grown on trees trained against a wall for protection and warmth. wall game Brit. a form of football played at Eton. wall-knot = wale-knot. wall-painting a mural or fresco. wall pepper a succulent stonecrop, Sedum acre, with a pungent taste. wall-plate timber laid in or on a wall to distribute the pressure of a girder etc. wall rocket see ROCKET(2). wall rue a small fern, Adiantum ruta-muraria, with leaves like rue, growing on walls and rocks. walls have ears it is unsafe to speak openly, as there may be eavesdroppers. wall-to-wall 1 (of a carpet) fitted to cover a whole room etc. 2 colloq. profuse, ubiquitous (wall-to-wall pop music). Derivatives walling n. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English weall; akin to Middle High German ~; both from Latin vallum rampart, from vallus stake, palisade; perhaps akin to Old Norse volr staff — more at wale  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a high thick masonry structure forming a long rampart or an enclosure chiefly for defense — often used in plural  b. a masonry fence around a garden, park, or estate  c. a structure that serves to hold back pressure (as of water or sliding earth)  2. one of the sides of a room or building connecting floor and ceiling or foundation and roof  3. the side of a footpath next to buildings  4. an extreme or desperate position or a state of defeat, failure, or ruin the surrounded troops had their backs against the ~ small companies driven to the ~  5. a material layer enclosing space the ~ of a container heart ~s  6. something resembling a ~ (as in appearance, function, or effect); especially something that acts as a barrier or defense a ~ of reserve tariff ~  • ~-like adjective  II. transitive verb  Date: 13th century  1.  a. to provide, cover with, or surround with or as if with a ~ ~ in the garden  b. to separate by or as if by a ~ ~ed off half the house  2.  a. immure ~ed the monster up within the tomb — E. A. Poe  b. to close (an opening) with or as if with a ~  III. verb  Etymology: Middle English (Scots) wawlen, probably from Middle English wawil- (in wawil-eghed ~eyed)  Date: 15th century  intransitive verb of the eyes to roll in a dramatic manner  transitive verb to roll (one's eyes) in a dramatic manner ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (walls) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A wall is one of the vertical sides of a building or room. Kathryn leaned against the wall of the church... The bedroom walls would be painted light blue... She checked the wall clock. N-COUNT • -walled ...a glass-walled elevator... COMB in ADJ 2. A wall is a long narrow vertical structure made of stone or brick that surrounds or divides an area of land. He sat on the wall in the sun... N-COUNT 3. The wall of something that is hollow is its side. He ran his fingers along the inside walls of the box. N-COUNT: with supp 4. A wall of something is a large amount of it forming a high vertical barrier. She gazed at the wall of books... I was just hit by a wall of water. N-COUNT: with supp, usu N of n 5. You can describe something as a wall of a particular kind when it acts as a barrier and prevents people from understanding something. The police say they met the usual wall of silence... N-COUNT: with supp, usu N of n 6. see also cavity wall, dry-stone wall, fly-on-the-wall, hole-in-the-wall, off-the-wall, retaining wall, sea wall, stonewall, wall-to-wall 7. If you say that you are banging your head against a wall, you are emphasizing that you are frustrated because someone is stopping you from making progress in something. (INFORMAL) I appealed for help but felt I was always banging my head against a wall... I wondered if I was banging my head against a brick wall. PHRASE: V inflects, usu cont c darkgreen]emphasis 8. If you have your back to the wall, you are in a very difficult situation and can see no way out of it. (INFORMAL) Their threat to hire replacement workers has the union with its back to the wall. PHRASE: back inflects 9. If you say that something or someone is driving you up the wall, you are emphasizing that they annoy and irritate you. (INFORMAL) The heat is driving me up the wall... I sang in the bath and drove my parents up the wall. PHRASE: V inflects c...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »AROUND AN AREA« an upright flat structure made of stone or brick, that divides one area from another  (The garden was surrounded by a high brick wall.) 2 »IN A BUILDING« one of the sides of a room or building  (We decided to paint the walls blue.) 3 »TUBE/CONTAINER« the side of something hollow, such as a pipe or tube  (The walls of the blood vessels had been damaged.) 4 wall of fire/water etc a tall mass of something such as fire or water, that prevents anything getting through  (A wall of fire was advancing through the forest.) 5 wall of silence a situation in which nobody will tell you what you want to know  (The police investigation was met with a wall of silence.) 6 go up the wall BrE spoken to become very angry  (My mum went up the wall when I told her I wanted to leave school.) 7 drive sb up the wall spoken to annoy someone very much  (I wish she'd stop muttering - it drives me up the wall!.) 8 go to the wall informal if a company goes to the wall, it fails, especially because of financial difficulties 9 these four walls spoken the room that you are in, especially considered as a private place  (I don't want anything that I have said repeated outside these four walls.) 10 be climbing/crawling up the wall informal to be feeling extremely anxious, dissatisfied, and impatient, especially because you are waiting for something or cannot do something you want to do  (Last time I gave up smoking I was crawling up the wall within a few hours.) 11 walls have ears used to warn people to be careful what they say, because other people, especially enemies, could be listening 12 hit the wall informal to reach the point of greatest physical tiredness when doing a sport  (- see also have your back to the wall back2 (20), bang your head against a brick wall bang2 (5), like talking to a brick wall talk, the writing is on the wall writing (7), off­the­wall) ~2 v wall sth in phr v to surround an open area with walls  (They decided to wall the garden in.) wall sth off phr v to keep one area or room separate from another,...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. weall "rampart," early Gmc. borrowing from L. vallum "wall, rampart, row or line of stakes," apparently a collective form of vallus "stake." Wallpaper is from 1858. Wall-to-wall (adj.) recorded 1953, of carpeting; metaphoric use (usually disparaging) is from 1967. Wallflower "flowering plant cultivated in gardens" (1578) led to colloquial sense of "women who sits by the wall at parties, often for want of a partner" (1820). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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